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COMING SOON: reMAIN Communities programs will enhance the development of missing middle housing in walkable areas. The platform will facilitate infill housing creation by connecting key development sites with local developers and diverse funding options.

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Pairing local developers with priority infill development opportunities.

  • Complete an 'expression of interest' form listing your desired criteria.

  • As development opportunities arise, receive an email with sites that meet your specified criteria.

Explore a wide range of real estate investment opportunities within a specific product type or community.

  • Fill out an 'expression of interest' form outlining your preferred investment criteria.

  • When we receive opportunities that align with your state criteria you'll receive a customized email in your inbox with more details.

Detailed Sign Up Coming Soon

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Realize the vision for your community's housing future. Develop a centralized platform and program that effectively connects home builders, municipalities, resources, advocates, and investors. Together, we transform these strategic plans into actionable solutions and set you on a course to realize your housing goals.

Interested in partnering with an experienced development team, selling or having conversations about the future of your property? Sign up to explore opportunities.

  • Complete an 'expression of interest' form with more information about what you're looking for.

  • As opportunities or prospective partnerships arise on the platform, receive an email targeted to your criteria.

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Our Team Featured In

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